Introducing Senior Care Access: An Online Resource to Keep Seniors Informed

senior care neatspaces

If you are a senior contemplating retirement community living, or the adult child of a parent who needs to transition by choice or circumstance, you might be weighing the pros and cons of the amenities each community offers. In either case, you might be navigating completely uncharted territory — face it, most people don’t research […]

How are YOU?

Have you ever had someone ask, “How are you?” and the answer that comes to mind is … “Busy” If the answer is yes, it may be time to stop and reflect for a moment. Is busy really even an answer? Is it a defence? A mindset? Socrates once said, “Beware the barrenness of a […]

What’s for Dinner?

Does this question create a feeling of excitement or anxiety? Schedules are packed and it’s a challenge to regularly feed our family healthy & delicious meals. With the cost of groceries on the rise, there is certainly a benefit to keeping an eye on your weekly spend and making the most of your on-hand items […]

The Sandwich Generation

In our profession, we see many people of the “Sandwich Generation” wishing to lighten their load. Just what is the “Sandwich Generation”? The term Sandwich Generation was coined in 1981 by social worker Dorothy Miller, to describe caregivers that found themselves “sandwiched” by the responsibilities of caring for aging parents while supporting their own young children. It […]

Holiday House Guests

The Holiday Season is upon us.  Christmas carols, festive décor, visiting family, holiday parties and …house guests.  It’s the perfect time to review guest and host etiquette, should your plans include overnight visits. Guest Etiquette Arrive on time.  Arrange to have clear arrival and departure times and dates and stick to it. Come bearing gifts […]

Saving Time in the Kitchen!

Autumn can be an overwhelming time and it can leave you feeling drained.  It’s never easy to juggle a jam packed extra-curricular schedule, homework help, making lunches and the stress putting a healthy dinner on the table at a reasonable hour.  It’s a challenge, no doubt, but we can try.  Here’s some simple tactics to […]

Back to School ~ Ask Wendy!

Summer is zipping by! Time to get your household ready for September and back to school. Why not involve your children a little more in the process this year?  It’s good to encourage independence and including your kids will help them to be more prepared and accountable. Here are a few ideas to help you […]

Finish what you start and get your people to take part!

This week I found myself reading an article written by Erin Rooney Doland, an expert on organizing and being uncluttered.  For over 10 years she wrote online articles covering everything organizing and found these 9 things to be tried and true, no matter what your current ‘organized’ state is.  I completely agree with each and […]

Out with the old and in with the new!

That is what the New Year is about right? It’s a good motto to have when starting to purge and declutter in 2017.  Start in the kitchen, and we don’t mean the cupboards, we’re talking about behind that stainless steel door!  Throw out expired or old food and commit to doing it once a week.  […]

Less is More

I know we hear that from someone, somewhere or read it from something almost every day but really what does it mean? As I was “googling” this phrase today, I came across an interesting blog that I wanted to share with you. I couldn’t have said it better, so I won’t. 🙂 Written by Mike […]