Summer Living!

What’s better than some summer weather? A Summer Long Weekend!  

We’ve been waiting for this all winter so let’s be ready because it will be here before you know it!

A casual Sunday afternoon or evening party followed by a Monday morning off. 

Make some plans! It’s finally Summer. Friends, family, music and food.



Make your guest list. 

Keep it manageable, so you can relax and enjoy your day too.

Summer is a busy time for everyone, so send your invites out early. 

Request an RSVP so you have a solid idea of guest numbers. 

Have a plan B, for your outdoor party ~ just in case the weather isn’t agreeable. 



Gather your grocery list and party items early, as stores are likely to be madness Sunday or CLOSED Monday for the holiday. 

Summer Menu Ideas? Inspiration is everywhere.

Think Seasonal items like lemonade or iced tea.

Salads and skewers. Corn on the cob. Tomato/Basil anything!

A twist on an old favourite, like burgers and dogs with a ritzy topping station?! Pancetta and caramelized onions… Boom!

Add several make ahead menu items to lighten your load on the day of the gathering.

Cheese plates, veggie & fruit trays or a Charcuterie board.

If it is pot luck, these are easy items to designate, as they travel well.

Bite sized treats are best.

Create a bar area with all the accompaniments; ice, cups, straws, openers, lemons & limes.

Be sure to include a cooler filled with lots of ice and non-alcoholic beverages. 


Create Extra Seating and tables.

Make sure you have ample seating available for all your guests ~not just at the table, but in corners for gathering and socializing. Shady spots to escape the heat, if need be. Make use of patio umbrellas & side tables for putting down drinks. 

Include the kids.

Ask them to greet guests & socialize a little before they gather with the other kids at the party.

Involve them in a task. The music playlist. Setting up a table. Serving appetizers. Clearing plates. 

Fun and Games.

If it’s a backyard party ~ Have a few fun items out for the guests to explore, at their leisure. Have the Bocce set handy, keep the crokinole within reach or go all out with a badminton set up! A piñata!! ok…too far.

Keep Clean up Simple

Create an out of the way area with a large lined garbage pail & clear lined recycle bin.  Place an extra bag under the lining, so you don’t have to search for a new one when changing it out. Consider adding a large (green) brown bag for an environmentally friendly option, (especially if you decide on paper plates).

Have Fun!

The key to a successful event is to plan & prepare ahead of time but come party time, truly enjoy the day too. Visit & interact with your friends. Resist the urge to isolate yourself to the kitchen. Accept help graciously. No need to go it alone or fret over details. Delight in your long weekend too. 

Sweet, glorious Long Weekends. Coming soon to Canadian backyards everywhere.

For downsizing, moving and organizing services in the Greater Toronto Area contact us today!